The redraft is due in today, 3rd April 2009.
Comparing Desire in "Hamlet" and Doctor Faustus"
The focus of your Explorative Study is a comparison between the two plays and how they treat the theme of human desire. We will begin by brainstorming how they can be compared - thinking closely about similarities and differences in the presentation of this theme in the plays.
For example:
- Hamlet desires knowledge about his father's killer, Faustus also desires knowledge
- But the kind of knowledge Faustus is seeking is different - it is of the universe and cosmos
- Hamlet desires justice for his father's murder, Faustus to become a 'deity'
How many similarities and differences can you find?
Using Secondary Sources
As part of your study, you are expected to refer to what other readers/critics have said about the plays - not at length but by using some quotations to support your answer.
We will look at one example of another reader Joseph Pearce taken from: The Quest for Shakespeare by Joseph Pearce.
Explorative Study
You have the rest of the afternoon to work on this, seeing me if necessary.
Early finish :)...
Don't forget you have a final deadline to meet for this coursework of 5th May. I would like to see a draft in the first week back after Easter.