We will be reading the continuation of Faustus' visit to Rome. After reading, work together to make notes about:
- What does Mephistophilis' spell at the start of the scene achieve for Faustus?
- What does Faustus do to disrupt the Papal Banquet?
- What are the reactions of those present at the Banquet?
- How are the Papacy presented to the audience in this scene? Why?
- What is the effect of the excommunication delivered at the end of the scene?
Themes in "Doctor Faustus" and "Hamlet"
As part of your homework, you should have worked on this. Compare notes with a partner and we will brainstorm themes together.
Explorative Study - Making comparisons
At this point you should have a mind-map of key ideas about the question:
Compare Shakespeare and Marlowe’s treatment of human desire in "Hamlet" and "Doctor Faustus". This should include reference to performance criticism and critical interpretation as well as the significance and influence of the contexts in which the plays were written. (Approximate word count: 1800)
Begin to add ideas from "Doctor Faustus" and then make a comparison chart showing similarities and differences between "Hamlet" and "Doctor Faustus" in how they deal with the theme of your coursework - human desire.
I will be placing a coursework outline on this site for download shortly; it may help you to structure your notes and draft.
Deadline for draft of essay: Friday 3rd April 2009
Final Deadline: 5th May 2009
Individual Tutorials
I would like to offer each of you an individual tutorial to discuss coursework progress before the end of term and to set targets. I will post dates and times on my door - please sign up for a time.
- Find two secondary sources about "Hamlet" and Doctor Faustus" - use the links on the sidebar to help you. Highlight at least five quotations you could include in your explorative study about the play - they should be relevant to the task in some way.
- Download the coursework outline and begin drafting your coursework.
Image: The Vatican
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