Unit 4 is a coursework unit that requires students to study three texts, one of which can be literary criticism. The texts we will study are given below and I have placed the Lewis and Huxley novels on my aStore (here) for your information and for purchase. Click on the texts to see them in my aStore:
- That Hideous Strength by C. S. Lewis
- Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
- Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
- C. S. Lewis Man of Letters: A Reading of His Fiction by Thomas Howard (extract from critical text which I will provide as a photocopy)
- Apocalyptic Themes in "That Hideous Strength" by Marisa White
- THat Hideous Strength: A Faity-Tale for Grown-Ups by Walter Hooper
The Orwell novel is an optional third novel which you could read and refer to in your coursework. All three novels present the reader with fictional dystopias; visions of our world gone somehow terribly wrong, or going that way. Hence the unit title, 'The Miserific Vision'.

Please obtain the texts as soon as possible so that from the 15th June 2009 we can begin studying them.
Image: C. S. Lewis and That Hideous Strength.
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