We will look at the two tasks together.You will be expected to produce a coursework folder of between 2000-2500 words. The maximum word limit must not be exceeded and your folder must contain both responses:
1. A creative critical response which responds to the main text Hamlet in a creative way.
2. An exploratory study of the main text Hamlet which is analytical and comparative to the other text Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and other critical or 'illuminator' texts.
You can download the coursework tasks from the links I have posted to the sidebar on the left. Scroll down until you find the section called "coursework tasks ".
Act two: Entertainment at Elsinore
In Act Two, a group of travelling players visit Elsinore Castle to provide entertainment for Hamlet and the court. Hamlet it appears, is quite an accomplished actor already. We will watch the rest of Brannagh's production of Act Two.
We will also read Hamlet final soliloquy from this act. After doing so make notes on:
1. Hamlet's response to the travelling players
2. How Hamlet speaks about himself at this point in the play
3. What his attitude appears to be to the task of revenge he has been given at this point
4. What he plans to do in the near future
5. Any examples of imagery in this speech that you find striking or interesting
Shakespeare's Theatre
Carry out research on Shakespeare's theatre, the Globe. Find out how it was similar or different to a modern-day theatre. Try to produce:
1. A timeline for Renaissance Theatre
2. A summary of developments in the theatre at this period
3. A presentation in small groups or pairs about the history of the theatre during Shakespeare's lifetime
1. Complete your research on Shakespeare's theatre in preparation for a presentation about this.
2. Get up-to-date with all written work that you have been set for this term.