This week we will examine further the meaning of 'context' when applied to the study of literature. We will also examine further the language of the ghost's story in act one and two speeches of Hamlet.
Context: Elizabethan and Jacobean England
In pairs talked briefly about the findings of your research into the context of Hamlet that he conducted last week and for homework. Be prepared to present your findings to the class as a whole.
Language in the Ghost's story
Look back at the story which the ghost of old Hamlet tells his son in act one scene five. Pick out examples of language that refers to:
- The physical corruption and death
- purity and impurity, especially sexual impurity
- the body
- religious language
What impression does the ghost's speech gives the audience of:
- Old King Hamlet
- Claudius
- Gertrude to the Queen?
Angels and ministers of grace defend us
We will reread Hamlet's speech before he meets the Ghost and immediately after. These will be found in act one scene four lines 39 to 57 and act one scene lines 92 to 109.
In pairs or small groups discuss what impressions of Hamlet both these speeches give?
Is there a noticeable change between the time beforehand that he meets the ghost and after?
Make notes and be prepared to feedback to the class.
Summarise Hamlet's reaction to the Ghost at the end of Act One. Refer both to the Ghost's speech and to Hamlet' s two speeches before and after meeting the Ghost.
Image: Hamlet's dead father.
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