Doomed for a certain term to walk the night" (Hamlet 1.5).
Today we will listen to presentations and focus further on Act 1 and Brannagh's film version of "Hamlet".
Present your findings about the context of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" to the class.
Task 1:
Re-read Act 1
scene 4 in which Hamlet first sees the Ghost of his dead father. Look especially
at lines 20-39 starting "Angels and ministers of grace defend us!"
- What evidence is there in Hamlet's speech of his uncertainty about the Ghost?
- How should we explain this?
Task 2:
Re-read the Ghost's story in Act 1 scene 5 from lines 9-91.
Re-read the Ghost's story in Act 1 scene 5 from lines 9-91.
- What is the Ghost's explanation for his death?
- What imagery in the Ghost's speech suggests the corruption at the heart of the Danish court?
- What examples of religious imagery can you find in the Ghost's speech?
Watching Brannagh's film.
Taking notes would be a good idea while watching on anything you don't follow or that you think is significant.

Homework: Language in the Ghost's story
Look back at the story which the ghost of old Hamlet tells his son in act one scene five. Pick out examples of language that refers to:
- The physical corruption and death
- purity and impurity, especially sexual impurity
- the body
- religious language
What impression does the ghost's speech gives the audience of:
- Old King Hamlet
- Claudius
- Gertrude to the Queen?
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