Here are two extracts from the 1616 B-text of "Doctor Faustus". In the first, Faustus describes some of the ways in which he wishes to use magic. In the second, he conjures up a demon Mephistophilis to be his 'servant' by using Black Magic in a small wood outisde Wittenberg:
For pleasant fruites, and Princely delicates." (Act 1, scene 1)
Seeing thou hast pray'd and sacrific'd to them." (Act 1, scene 3)
We will read further material from these parts of the play. As we do so, make notes on what we learn about Faustus' ambitions and desires early on in the play.
Mel Gibson's "Hamlet"
We will complete our viewing of this production. Please continue to make notes on differences/similarities with Brannagh's production.
Coursework Tasks
I will be giving you an outline of the coursework tasks and assessment objectives in the lesson. You will be expected to produce a coursework folder of between 2000-2500 words. The maximum word limit must not be exceeded. You will be penalised if it exceeds this limit. Your titles/tasks are:
Creative critical response:
Choose a scene from "Hamlet" that you could adapt for television or film. Rewrite the script including stage-directions then write a commentary on how and why you adapted the scene in the way you did. You should include reference to critical views/sources about the play and how they shaped your decisions.
Approximate word count: 600
Explorative Study:
Compare Shakespeare and Marlowe’s treatment of human desire in "Hamlet" and "Doctor Faustus". This should include reference to performance criticism and critical interpretation as well as the significance and influence of the contexts in which the plays were written.
Approximate word count: 1800
Total marks for this unit: 80/180. Unit 2 is worth 40% of the AS Examination.
Approximate word count: 600
Explorative Study:
Compare Shakespeare and Marlowe’s treatment of human desire in "Hamlet" and "Doctor Faustus". This should include reference to performance criticism and critical interpretation as well as the significance and influence of the contexts in which the plays were written.
Approximate word count: 1800
Total marks for this unit: 80/180. Unit 2 is worth 40% of the AS Examination.
1. Choose a scene from "Hamlet" that you think you could adapt as part of a modern film of television performance of the play. Begin making notes and annotations of how you would do this including:
- where/when it should be set (e.g. East End of London)
- Who you would want for the lead roles and why
- lines you would cut and why
- stage directions you think necessary
At this point, be prepared to bring notes in to discuss with a partner/group.
2. Please also read this essay on "Adapting Shakespeare" on the Masterpiece Theatre website (click on the link to access). Make notes for discussion in class.
Image: The Constellation of Orion
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