Belbury is the home of the NICE in Lewis' novel. It is where much of the narrative is set and where Mark Studdock is inducted into the philosophy and aims of the NICE. Starting with Chapter 3, make notes on:
- What people Mark meets at Belbury
- What kinds of conversations he has
- What he learns or doesn't learn about the NICE
- Who the key people there are and what they seem to be like
- What the purpose of NICE seems to be
- How the weather is associated carefully with Belbury, for example in chapter 6 and why this is
St Anne's-on-the-hill
This old house is where Jane Studdock first meets Miss Hardcastle and Dr Ransom, the Pendragon. Starting with the end of chapter 2 and then chapter 3, make notes on
- Lewis' descriptions of St Anne's in chapters 2 and 3 and what we learn from them
- How the place seems to affect Jane
- Who she meets there and what they are like and how they offer to help her
Comparing Belbury and St Anne's
Both places and the people in them represent two conflicting worldviews for Lewis. Both places are presented carefully to encourage the reader to compare them.
Make a comparison chart showing similarities and differences between them. For example, both places have a 'Head' but in each case they are very different.
- Complete the comparison chart
- Choose one character from Belbury and one from St Anne's that you could compare. Make notes about them for the next lesson.
- If you haven't, you shoud be reading Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four
Image: Likeness of St Anne's
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