"I am thy father's spirit,
Doomed for a certain term to walk the night" (Hamlet 1.5).
Task 1:
Re-read Act 1 scene 4 in which Hamlet first sees the Ghost of his dead father. Look especially at lines 20-39 starting "Angels and ministers of grace defend us!"
- What evidence is there in Hamlet's speech of his uncertainty about the Ghost?
- How should we explain this?
Re-read the Ghost's story in Act 1 scene 5 from lines 9-91.
- What is the Ghost's explanation for his death?
- What imagery in the Ghost's speech suggests the corruption at the heart of the Danish court?
- What examples of religious imagery can you find in the Ghost's speech?
Task 3:
Read at least to the end of Act 2 of "Hamlet" (more if you can). Check out the links I have provided about studying Shakespeare to help you (scroll down left hand side of the page to see these Shakespeare hotspots).
Get a google account then send me your email address (to thepapist@live.co.uk) and I'll make you a member. Post any questions you have or requests for help!
Hand in next week, 10th October on A4 paper, answers word-processed please!
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